Document Template Builder
Storing data within the applications is great for management purposes. On the other hand, other people/companies probably can not see that data and are required to receive a separate version of the data. Adding an invoice to Office Invoices gives you the ability to keep track of it but the one that should pay the invoice should receive the same data in an other format. Using Document Template Builder you can easily transform data to a document that can be send to a third party.

On a page you can add several kinds of objects. For example you can add images from storages that are integrated in XsDesktop or textfields. Texts can be added using a left-aligned label or using a textblock which allows centering, right-aligning as well as justifying texts.
Beside that Document Template Builder also supports multipage documents. Every document can have several pages each having an arbitrary size.
Using external data
A document gets it's meaning by the data it contains. Documents created with Document Template Builder can contain tags (in the textfields) like "{{}}" (is replaced by the number of the page it is on), to integrate with data from other applications. For Office Invoices several tags are defined to use a document of Document Template Builder as template when generating an invoice as PDF.
Beside tags in textfields, there are also Contentcontainers. These rectangular objects can be added to the page, so an application that uses the document as template can replace the container with it's specific data. In case of Office Invoices the Contentcontainer is filled with the table containing the invoicelines and totals.
A document from Document Template Builder is always converted to PDF. This can be done directly from Document Template Builder or using an application that adds data to the document.